

Anatomy of Kung Fu Seminar
(Structure, Resistance, and Power)

Ulf Nilsson presents this one-day seminar sharing with you how to improve your structure, increase your power generation, and deepening your understanding of ”combat anatomy”.  

A few “simple” principles will be presented and thoroughly worked through hands-on.

However, this is no quick-fix or combatives course. This material takes time to develop but without doubt, what you learn this day will greatly enhance your martial arts training. 

Some of these principles will be illustrated by some movements from “Southern Kung Fu”, but this is not a seminar to learn a new form or system.

For many years Ulf has practiced several different Chinese, Indonesian, and Filipino Martial Arts, and has always had a special interest for how the body works and how it can create a lot of power with only a little movement.

Ulf is known for his very powerful structure and root, and has taught these principles for some years now, with great effect J

This seminar, hosted by Ulf, teacher at Landskrona Kung Fu Research, is by private invitation only – please contact him directly if you have not received an invitation and wish to attend. (https://kuntaoenergetics.n.nu/om-oss /    https://kuntaoenergetics.n.nu/english2)

Price: 150 SEK (discount for members of LAKF and WCRI, ask…)

Place: Landskrona (this will be held outdoors so dress appropriately)

Date & Time: 12 August 12:00-16:00

Questions and registration: [email protected]





Nu även träning Torsdagar KL 1800 i parken vid Konsthallen. Välkomna!

Träningen börjar igen, andra veckan i mars (6e mars kl 1800), om vädret tillåter...
